Business Partner Check Special Conditions

(1) The Business Partner Check allows the user to have an additional check carried out on certain of their own company documents. Once the check has been successfully completed, TIMOCOM adds a visible ‘Checked Company’ attribute to the user’s company profile. This attribute refers exclusively to the reviewed documents and does not contain any statement or assurance regarding any other attributes or characteristics of the user.

(2) Please note: a verification process with a positive conclusion does not represent an assurance or guarantee that the person with whom a user makes contact is the same person that is named in the company documents, or who is listed as an authorised representative. There is also no guarantee that the person with whom a user makes contact has any relationship whatsoever to the company named in said documents, or that their identity matches that of the purported sender of said documents. Information that is not taken from official sources originates from the company itself. TIMOCOM assumes no liability for the accuracy or timeliness of this information.

(3) TIMOCOM reserves the right to establish, at its own discretion, the type and number of checks per user. The respective document can be checked, for example, by a visual inspection, a manual or automatic evaluation of certain technical document data or a comparison with other sources or documents.

(4) The user acknowledges that the presence of the ‘Checked Company’ attribute is not a substitute for the commercial due diligence required in each individual case. The user is responsible for taking the necessary and appropriate measures to meet the specific conditions of his requirements.

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