TIMOCOM 02.07.2024

Artificial intelligence in logistics - what are the solutions that are worth using?

Through software integration, Transmėja automatically publishes cargoes and allocates orders with greater efficiency

Transmeja success story Marek Meskevic

Transmėja is one of the longest-established transport companies in Lithuania. Founded in 1995 today it employs more than 1,200 people and has foreign branches in Poland and Germany.

''Our success is due to a combination of soundly based principles and innovative strategies. Our people are the foundation of our success. As a family-owned business, our priority is the selection of specialists for each role, creating a solid team that can constantly improve internal processes. In addition, we maintain the highest standards of service delivery, fostering long-term relationships and sustainable growth'.' says Marek Meškevič, IT Director at Transmėja.

How do you determine a business development goal and how do you achieve it?

Transmėja's main goal for 2024 is to optimise existing processes and automate mechanical tasks using artificial intelligence and robotics. Why is that the focus?

Driving innovation is key to commercial competitiveness in the TSL sector says Marek Meškevič. By implementing new technologies, we are streamlining operations, eliminating repetitive tasks and focusing resources on complex activities in order to increase efficiency. Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into our logistics processes increases productivity even further, allowing us to thrive in the dynamic logistics sector by anticipating demand, optimising routes and improving overall decision-making.

How to improve data-driven logistics performance?

Since 2005, Transmėja has been using TIMOCOM's digital products as an integral part of its day-to-day operations.

We use TIMOCOM tools to outsource freight and search for cargoes for our own fleet, find new customers and partners, as well as check statistics and price rates, says Marek Meškevič. With these capabilities, we can improve our logistics efficiency by making informed decisions based on real-time data and market trends.

Faster cargo staging through AI: does it really work?

In order to meet its automation goals, Transmėja has chosen to integrate with TIMOCOM through SpotGo, a ready-made interface that allows it to speed up day-to-day logistics operations and make them more efficient. 

The choice to integrate the software in this way was driven by the need to increase efficiency and streamline enquiries and transport orders. It is just one element of our ongoing journey to digitisation.  - says Marek Meškevič.

The publication of cargo offers through SpotGo is fully automated, thereby significantly increasing operational efficiency. SpotGo converts payload data from emails, tables or images, eliminating the need for manual data entry and allowing managers to publish ten times more listings than before across multiple platforms with a single click. 

The key value of such cooperation between our companies is that the immediate publication of cargoes on the freight exchange saves us a lot of time and brings us more carrier offers than usual. - emphasises Meškevič. - We are pleased to be able to reduce stress and better support our employees by reducing manual, repetitive tasks through the introduction of modern technology. 

Automation solves challenges such as time-consuming and manual errors, thereby ensuring that Transmėja's offers reach a wider audience quickly and efficiently, leading to better competitiveness in the market and optimised occupancy management.

The greatest benefit of our cooperation will be felt by the company's employees. Today, the average employee is not only 80% faster than before and can do several times more, but most importantly, he can do the job stress-free and much more simply. We are aware of how difficult it is to keep good employees on board these days, as the lack of qualified professionals is becoming an increasing problem. In some EU countries, the problem will be even greater than the shortage of professional drivers in the next 10 years. - adds Daniel Gvozdovič, co-founder of SpotGo - The orientation Transmėja has chosen in introducing innovative technological solutions, including artificial intelligence assistants, testifies to the company's foresight and ability to adapt to dynamic market changes. I am convinced that this is only the beginning of the road to further success for our partner.

What other processes can be improved through automation and AI?

The efficient offering of freight is a critical factor for any logistics contractor who wants to matter in the sector.  Marek Meškevič's corporate plans for the integration of logistics systems do not end there, however. Transmėja is currently working on digitally streamlining the following key processes:

  • Fleet utilisation: Effectively matching available cargoes to vehicles, minimising empty mileage and maximising fleet utilisation.

  • Document management: Digitising the entire process, from the initial enquiry by email to the invoice. The aim is to digitise the entire documentation flow using a combination of technologies, including SpotGo AI recognising documents and feeding them into our TMS. 

  • Monitoring of dispatches: Providing real-time updates on the status of dispatches, increasing transparency and reducing manual checks.

  • Cost and route optimisation: Use route planning and costing tools to find the most efficient routes and accurately estimate transport costs.

  • Customer integrations: Ensure smooth data transfer and reduce the need for double entry, improving coordination and reducing errors.

  • Tender management: Facilitate digital tendering processes to secure long-term transport partners, keeping the supply chain resilient to disruption.

- We see artificial intelligence as a key factor in our industry and believe that integrating this technology into our processes will increase our agility and speed and provide our employees with the right tools, ultimately leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction. - Marek Meškevič explains.

Three things to be proud of: team, fleet and innovation

Poland and the Baltic States are recognised as the transport hub of Europe. Competition in the TSL services sector is fierce, so standing out within it is essential for many businesses to survive. Thanks to its openness to innovation and the courage to choose out-of-the-box, future-oriented solutions, the company has a stable position in the market and the Transmėja brand is recognised far beyond its home country.

We are proud of our professional team, our own fleet of trucks and our commitment to innovation. These elements are bolstering confidence in our and our partners' future success. Through the continuous implementation of advanced technologies and solutions based on artificial intelligence, we provide efficient, reliable and future-proof logistics services,  concludes Marek Meškevič. 

In a world that is changing as rapidly as ours, failing to implement new technologies is like stopping in the middle of a sprint. The race is on and technological advances do not wait - those who do not take up the challenge of automation risk being left behind while competitors gain the upper hand with modern solutions. - adds Denis Pasala, Office Director of TIMOCOM Poland, by way of conclusion.

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