Slight vehicle space surplus in 3rd quarter
TimoCom's transport barometer follows the expected behaviour
Dusseldorf 2014-10-23 - After the previous quarter's unexpected development, TimoCom's transport barometer went back to its predictable course between July and September. A decrease in freight share at the beginning of the quarter, followed by another decrease in August and a freight increase at the end. That is what we know and that is what we expect and in the end this meant a freight-vehicle ratio of 49:51.
In the 3rd quarter, TimoCom's transport barometer followed the same patterns as in the previous three years. It began July with a freight share in the European transport market four percentage points below the preceding month. The freight-vehicle ratio amounted to 47:53. The transport sector in Europe expected yet another drop in the market freight share since it always tends to decline in August. The holiday period in many European countries is in full swing during this month so that hardly anything needs to be transported. And so the expected occurred: the freight share dropped yet another four percentage points. Consequently, TimoCom's transport barometer showed a freight-vehicle ratio in August of 43:57. "It is surprising that this year's events such as bad weather or the crisis in the far eastern part of Europe between Ukraine and Russia have not brought with them many changes in the development up to August", says Marcel Frings, TimoCom's Chief Representative. "This of course does not apply to these routes. Freights departing from Russia have been rapidly declined by other countries."
Rich in freight finish
September made sure to provide a surprise in this quarter's statistics. However, not because the freight share picked up during this month and led to a clear surplus. Such behaviour has also been observed in the past recent years. The impulse with which TimoCom's transport barometer catapulted into positive figures provided great joy. The freight share in September in the European transport market increased a whopping 14 percentage points. September has achieved this year's highest freight share with a ratio of 57:43 and also that of the last three years. A very good preparation for a significant final quarter in 2014. Marcel Frings agrees: "Our opinion is that the fourth quarter will weaken less as we expect it to. This way, October will be similar to September - rich in freight. November will go downwards slightly before more transportation is required in December and with it TimoCom's transport barometer increases again.