TimoCom invests in education, research and development
Dusseldorf, 2013-09-20. Educational institutions and companies frequently complain about the discrepancy between research and development, theory and practice and demand a better network. As IT service provider and European market-leader among the freight and vehicle exchanges TimoCom encourages interdisciplinary exchange and promotes projects where they are needed, i.e. at schools, universities and other educational institutions all across Europe.
TimoCom imparts technical know-how to junior scientists
These days, the expectations of young professionals' work are immense. A lot of the time a high level of practicality can be a door opener. "We are aware of our social responsibility", says Christiane Beulen from TimoCom's HR department. "Due to the innovative technologies applied in the IT industry, we could not do without imparting practical knowledge to junior staff", explains Beulen. Within the framework of a regional partnership with the Vocational College Hilden, TimoCom regularly offers workshops for apprentices in the field of computer science. Workshop leader André Münz knows what matters: "Best-practice and independent learning techniques are the foundation for any future job." In addition, the freight exchange provider is all for job application coachings at open days on campuses or apprentice speed dating - also in other fields than IT. From TimoCom's perspective, educating juniors not only starts within the company. So much commitment inspires the lecturers as well because they also benefit from the further education courses.
Insights into the real world of transport
With the freight and vehicle exchange and the online platform for transport tenders, TimoCom offers two procurement platforms which optimise transport business Europe-wide. Cooperations with schools and universities in other countries are also part of the portfolio. The trainings held there give senior-level high school and university students an insight into industry-relevant practice. Apart from learning about the role of freight exchanges in road transport, they get a demonstration of the specific web application. "In work life the use of TimoCom's tools is going to be a part of their daily routine as it makes scheduling easier", knows Tina Pandza, TimoCom's Country Manager for Slovenia. Thus, soon-to-be logistics technicians and engineers find out more about the link between the future-oriented industries of IT and logistics.
Opening job perspectives in the logistics industry
The IT service provider's campaigns should facilitate the decision of which career path to follow or the start into work life. "TimoCom issues certificates for all further education courses which participants can enclose with their job application. This is often a true bonus when searching for a job", stresses Dirk Hardy, teacher at Vocational College Hilden. Many employers nowadays seek personnel with TimoCom knowledge via job exchanges or job centres. Even text books for freight forwarding apprentices use the freight and vehicle exchange TC Truck&Cargo®as example for a practice-oriented model. The Ambassadors for Transport (Transportbotschafter e.V.) together with TimoCom and the German Freight Forwarders and Logistics Association (Deutscher Speditions- und Logistikverband e.V.), demonstrate that commitment should start early. The campaign "Zukunft der Lostistik" (The future of logistics) is targeted at tomorrow's logistics experts in their final year of school, job information centres and job fairs. "In times of a shortage in skilled labour we want to arouse more interest in finding a job in logistics and to provide insight into a diverse job", explains Hanna Frese, one of the transport ambassadors.
Joint projects for a green future
The idea of creating a network is even taken one step further. Current research projects aim at developing green logistics concepts to make companies even more economically sustainable and efficient. The joint project "Green²: Green Logistics in Agrobusiness" in which 22 companies and universities from Germany and The Netherlands are involved was launched at the end of June. As a green company, TimoCom contributes with technical expertise on issues like reducing energy use and CO2 emissions as well as improving warehousing and transport processes. Green logistics offers opportunities to improve competitiveness and opens innovative prospects on the logistics market of the future. Another convincing point is that it will pay off in practice and make the industry even more attractive for young people.