The challenge: Award-winning Danish haulier saves time in finding loads

The award-winning haulage company Sejer & Sønnichsen A/S has its roots in 
Fogderup in South Jutland. This is where Sejer Pedersen, father of one of the company’s owners, once started to deliver milk and butter for the local dairy. Throughout the years, the company has expanded all over Denmark and to other parts of Europe.

Before the company became members on TIMOCOM, they had the challenge of finding return loads, especially between Zealand and Jutland. This is a typical situation for many haulage companies: you have your steady partners – but you need to find loads for your return journey.

TIMOCOM offers a good overview of available loads in each country. The system helps us optimising our own vehicles and thus reduces empty kilometres, says Nicolai Sune Nielsen, one of the company’s owners.

One of the many advantages that Sejer & Sønnichsen has is that they can carry any kind of loads with their trailers, which makes them compatible with all parts of the logistics sector.

“Sustainability is important for our company”, Nicolai continues. Having grown up in Southern Jutland, he has always been close to nature and understands the effects that logistics is having. Therefore, waste carriage is also a natural part of the business.

Logo Sejer


  • To reduce empty runs
  • To reduce time spent on the phone, in order to secure return loads


  • Empty runs have been reduced
  • Fast replies on the TIMOCOM marketplace

Using Europe’s largest road freight marketplace to find return loads


After Sejer & Sønnichsen joined Europe’s largest road freight network, they have found many good return loads whenever they have need them.

“Previously, we had the challenge of finding return loads from Zealand to Jutland, Nicolai says. We had to spend lots of time calling potential clients using telephone lists. It is much better now, as we have saved many working hours thanks to TIMOCOM. Instead we can focus on more constructive tasks.”

Photo of Nicolai

About Sejer & Sønnichsen A/S

The history of the family-owned haulage company Sejer & Sønnichsen AS spans over more than 70 years. After the merge in 2015 the company has more than 50 trucks going  between Denmark and Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland and Poland. As of 2023, the company employs 49 workers.

In 2023 Nicolai’s team received an award for being one of Southern Denmark’s most successful companies. This means that Sejer & Sønnichsen A/S has shown good revenue the past years as well as creating job opportunities.

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