Finding transport companies in times of urgency

The traditional Danish company Svendborg Brakes ApS was originally founded in 1884. Located in the beautiful southern part of the island Fyn, they are sticking to the very roots of where it all once began. Their headquarter is only a few minutes’ drive away to the ocean.

Over the years, the company has seen an impressive global expansion with offices and manufacturing facilities all over the world. This is even further strengthened from being part of the worldwide Regal Rexnord Corporation, having initially focused on building machines for industrial companies, today the production mainly focuses on customers from the mining, port cranes and the wind industries, but Svendborg Brakes also supports a large part of the renewable energy market as well as tidal, marine, oil & gas, and metals just to mention a few. 

Svendborg Brakes’ systems can be divided into two segments: wind and industrial brake systems, which are being used within mining, oil, and gas. In a mine, for example, their brakes are often used for conveyor belts (that can be several kilometers long) as well as in excavators.

Apart from being members on the TIMOCOM logistics network, Svendborg Brakes has functional cooperations with various transport suppliers. Svendborg Brakes uses TIMOCOM for single bench marking of transport e.g. for a single destination.

Logo Svendborg Brakes


  • To find drivers on short notice
  • Reduce logistical operational costs (freight forwarders were too expensive)


  • Fast replies on the TIMOCOM marketplace
  • Saving cost for road transport

Using Europe’s largest marketplace saves up to 80% of the cost

Svendborg Brakes’ logistics needs include sea, air, and road freight. The main reason for using TIMOCOM’s road freight marketplace is when something is urgent, but sometimes it is also the primary resource. When they need an urgent transport, it is possible for them to save up to 80% of the cost.

Other advantages with the marketplace are the large numbers of available vehicles. Most times when they search for a vehicle, they get quick responses. One time they even loaded already within one hour after posting the load on the marketplace.

Svendborg Brakes

About Svendborg Brakes

The company Svendborg Brakes was founded in 1884. Back then they built machines for industrial companies. In 1989 we took over the rights to manufacture disc brakes from Hägglunds Drives and became specialists. We also changed our name at that time and recognised the new company focus by deleting our first name "Maskinfabrik" and adding "Brakes" to "Svendborg".

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