Profitieren Sie von den Vorteilen von Transportaufträgen auf dem TIMOCOM Marktplatz.

Transport orders: a simple guide
What can I use the Transport Orders service from TIMOCOM for?
Have you found the perfect business partner for your transport? Then use our Transport Orders service to quickly and digitally process the order on the TIMOCOM Marketplace. The advantage: thanks to the integration with our freight exchange and the copy and template function, transport orders are filled as if by magic.
When you send a transport order, an order number is assigned automatically. You can also attach your documents as standard, thus saving a lot of time. And the best part: no more language barriers! All transport orders are automatically translated into the respective language of the Marketplace user.
By entering transport orders, service providers can also easily manage all their transport orders or send them to third parties.
Whether creating, dispatching or recording, you can do everything digitally in one central location with Transport Orders.