• Land traffic

    Road, rail, suburbian, city or regional traffic are referred to as land traffic.

  • Loading meter

    Standard unit of measurement for transport by truck. A loading meter is 1 meter of loading space of a truck’s length. When the approx. width of a truck is 2.4 m, 1 loading meter is approx. 2.4 m² (2.4 m wide x 1 m long).

  • Loading place

    The loading place is the place where goods are loaded to a mode of transportation. Usually the loading place is the point of departure of the vehicle.

  • Loads

    A load is freight that is transported by ship, rail or road vehicle.

  • Logistics

    Logistics is the process of the movement of goods from order placement to delivery to the customer. This includes all planning, implementation and controlling measures including instruments for ensuring an optimum flow of goods. Sub-sectors include, purchasing,

  • Logistics 4.0

    Logistics 4.0 refers to the most modern logistics methods, including networking, digitalisation and cloud computing. In Logistics 4.0, the logistics specialist is no longer limited – as used to be the case – to simple transport, but rather focuses on

  • Logistics chain

    Designates all commercial activities which ensure a product finds its way from producer to end customer.

  • Logistics management

    Logistics management plans and organises different processes and procedures in logistics.

  • Low-loader

    Commonly used for carrying heavy machinery and other outsize goods. It’s set low for easy loading.

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